Student Of The Month » November 2023 Student of the Month

November 2023 Student of the Month

Congratulations to Megan Roberts for being named one of DAOES's Students of the Month for November.  Megan is a Senior at Neuqua Valley High School and a student in our Emergency Medical Technician program.


In his nomination, Megan’s instructor Lt. Bayne wrote: “Megan works hard in EMT and is engaged. Megan is ranked # 1 out of 51 students academically. Megan is a leader in her squad, completed homework, quizzes and exams on time. Megan plans to study biophysics as an undergraduate and then go on to medical school to be a physician.  Megan hopes to conduct medical research both as an undergraduate and post-graduation as a physician.  Megan discovered her love for medicine working as a life guard at Centennial Beach. Megan wants to dedicate her career to helping others and saving lives. Megan chose her courses senior year knowing her career path, Megan was drawn to EMT due to the entry level healthcare professional academics, and the course awards 11 semester hours towards degree. Megan also chose EMT knowing upon completion the course offers a national license and employment right out of high school.  EMT will prepare Megan for her future studies to becoming a physician.”


Megan is an exceptional student who is dedicated and passionate about her work, and is very deserving of this recognition.


Congratulations, Megan!