Student Of The Month » October 2023 Students of the Month

October 2023 Students of the Month

Congratulations to Zoey Ullrich for being named one of DAOES's Students of the Month for October. Zoey is a Senior at Lyons Township High School and a student in our Fire Science program.


In his nomination, Zoey’s instructor Mr. Rick Rubo wrote: “Zoey is here every day ready to participate.  She has completed homework on time and done well on the quizzes.  Zoey has also participated in and done well with drills.


Congratulations, Zoey!

Congratulations to Cid Vizconde for being named one of DAOES's Students of the Month for October. Cid is a Senior at Lisle High School and a student in our Computer Information Systems & Game Design program.


In his nomination, Cid’s instructor Mr. Evan Wright wrote: “Cid is a highly capable, highly motivated student in my program.  In our first unit, Cid created an outstanding adventure game with almost no assistance from me. When I was presenting a short talk on how adding numbers in the adventure game system could create overflows in certain conditions, Cid actually set up test case and proved my emulator wasn’t handling these cases properly…something I had to fix.  In our current unit on GameMaker, Cid has chosen to do every project completely in code (the hard way), because he feels this will be more educationally valuable.  Cid has also taken to modifying the activities if he thinks the changes will improve the final result.  I note his improvements then work them back into the curriculum, so it continues to improve.  It has been a pleasure having him in class and he has been a great asset.


Congratulations, Cid!