Nursing Assistant Training Program » Forms - Updated 07/08/24

Forms - Updated 07/08/24

2024-2025 TCD NATP Explanation of Required Forms - Updated 07/08/24

2024-25 Acknowledgement/Agreement Form:


Please visit the NATP Program tab on the TCD website to review the TCD/COD Student Handbook and the Program Requirements and Guidelines Section.

NATP has specific and non-negotiable parameters and requirements set forth by the Illinois Department of Public Health, Illinois Nursing Assistant Testing, College of DuPage and Technology Center of DuPage. 


There are strict requirements in regards to attendance, behaviors, expectations and grades. Students are held accountable for these parameters and requirements to successfully complete the program.


After reviewing the materials each student and parent/guardian is to complete the Acknowledgment/Agreement form. This form is located on the TCD Website under the Nursing Assistant Program Tab labeled Forms.


This form is to be completed and returned to TCD by 8/28/2024


2024-25 Clinical Agreement Form:

Students in the Nursing Assistant Training Program at TCD must complete 40 hours of assigned clinical. The clinical rotation is not part of the school day at TCD. 


Clinical rotations are on weekends. Students MUST have their own transportation to and from the clinical sites.


Each student and parent is responsible for reading the TCD Clinical Agreement Form found on the TCD website.


The agreement form must be completed and returned to TCD by 8/28/2024.


Photocopy of ID and Social Security Card:

In order to have the required information for entry into the healthcare worker registry  completed, each student will need to supply the following:

  • A copy of their state driver’s license or state ID or passport
  • A copy of their social security card


No student can attend clinical, earn college credits or take the state certification exam without being entered into the registry.


These are due by 8/28/24.


Background Check Form:

A background check form will be completed in class. This is ONLY to gather the identifying information of the student that is needed for the healthcare worker registry. STUDENTS WILL NOT HAVE A BACKGROUND CHECK COMPLETED BY TCD. 

These forms need to be completed in black ink and MUST be legible. We will take time in class to complete these forms. Students will need to know their social security numbers to complete the form.


Medical Physical Form:

Each NATP student is required to have a physical completed by a physician in order to attend the clinical portion of the program. A copy of the physical form can be found on the TCD website under the Nursing Assistant Training Program tab.


The physical needs to be dated after 1/1/24.


School physicals will be accepted. Physicals can be done by minute clinics, immediate care clinics, or the student’s physician.


Please Note: Physical Exams expire after 1 year of being dated. If a student’s physical expires while they are enrolled in the program a new physical will be required.


Physicals are due by 9/4/24.


If the student does not hand in a physical by this date, they will not be allowed to

attend the clinical portion of the class. Please DO NOT wait to arrange for this to be completed for the student. 


It is best to arrange to have the form completed ASAP. It is very difficult and almost impossible to obtain an appointment at the last minute for a physical exam.


2 step TB skin test Form or QuantiFERON Blood Test:

All NATP students are required to have a 2 step TB skin test. This process can be done by the student’s health care provider or by the DuPage County Health Department.


The 2 step TB skin test is a timely process.

  • The first step requires a visit for the administration of TB solution into the forearm. 
  • The student then has to return for an office visit in 48-72 hours for a result reading. 
  • The student then needs to wait 1 week. 
  • After waiting one week the student returns to the office to have another administration of TB solution into the forearm. 
  • The student then returns in 48-72 hours for the 2 nd result reading. This process can take up to 14 days, and requires 4 visits to the physician.


The form for TB testing is part of the physical form which is located on the TCD website under our program tab.


The form MUST include the following dates and results:

  • Date the 1 st step was given
  • Date the 1 st step was read and the result
  • Date the 2 nd test was given
  • Date the 2 nd test was read and the result.


If your physician can not do this testing you can call the DuPage County Health Department in Wheaton and arrange an appointment to have the 2 step TB skin test completed. 


The clinic only does the tests on Monday and Wednesday and requires an appointment. The cost is $20.


If a student prefers to have a blood draw completed in place of the 2 step TB skin test, the blood test results will be accepted by the program.


This blood test is less time consuming than the 2 step TB Skin Test and can be done

with one MD visit. 


The blood test is called a QUANTIFERON BLOOD TEST. The student will need to supply the date and result of this blood test to their instructor.


The 2 step TB skin test results or the QUANTIFERON blood test results are due by 9/4/2024. Failure to provide test results will lead to students not being allowed to complete the clinical portion of the program.



Urine Drug Test:


Students will need to submit a completed Urine Drug Screen Test by 09/04/2024 to be eligible for clinical.

This can be completed by a personal MD office or Castle Branch Lab. 

Information for Castle Branch Lab is located on the TCD Website under the programs tab and then under NATP tab. 


The test needs to be 7 or more panel urine drug test. The test is required for clinical participation. It MUST be a urine screen. 


Many primary physicians can order this to be completed in their office or an outpatient lab. Students will have a low cost if using Castle Branch Lab.


COVID Vaccination Documentation


Any clinical site can request a student be vaccinated. Vaccination requirements are dependent on our nursing facilities that we use for clinical purposes. 


All our facilities lifted their COVID vaccination requirements in the 2023-24 school year. 

Proof of a completed COVID Vaccination will be accepted and appreciated but not required at this time.


Please Note :

  • If COVID returns or numbers begin to rise, the facilities will have the right to decline any student entry if they are not vaccinated.


  • All required fees and forms are due as stated above. Failure to complete these requirements will result in NO CLINICAL for the student and the student will not qualify to take the state certification exam to become a Certified Nursing Assistant.
*Updated 07/08/24*